W.G.M.L  is a beacon of spiritual enlightenment and community connection, owned and operated by the Powerhouse Of Deliverance, Inc. Situated in the heart of the town, this radio station serves as a platform for the church to extend its mission beyond the sanctuary walls, reaching out to listeners far and wide.

At the core of W.G.M.L's programming is a dedication to fostering spiritual growth, offering a diverse range of religious content that spans sermons, Bible readings, devotional music, and discussions on faith-related topics. From the soothing hymns that greet the early morning risers to the thought-provoking evening reflections, every moment on air is carefully curated to inspire, uplift, and nurture the soul.

But W.G.M.L am 990 is more than just a religious broadcaster; it's a vibrant hub of community engagement. Through live call-in shows, interviews with local leaders, and coverage of neighborhood events, the station fosters dialogue, fosters unity, and strengthens the bonds of fellowship among listeners of all backgrounds.

With a team of dedicated volunteers and seasoned professionals behind the mic, W.G.M.L operates with a commitment to excellence in broadcasting. From the crisp audio quality to the engaging content, every aspect of the station reflects the church's unwavering dedication to serving a higher purpose.

Whether you're tuning in during your daily commute, seeking solace during a quiet moment at home, or simply looking to connect with others on a shared spiritual journey, W.G.M.L  am 990 invites you to tune in and experience the power of faith through the airwaves.